Tag Archives: Berkeley

Safe Sex, Infection, Film School Et Cetera

One unexpected afternoon during my film school daze in my sunbathed Koreatown apartment, I received a call from the festival director of the Vancouver International Film Festival on my cordless phone.

“Is it going to be a world premiere?” asked Po Chu.

“Yeah…” I stammered. I guessed I had never shown my “first feature” Flow, a compilation of my student short films made at UCLA anywhere yet. I put “first feature” in quotes because I later decided that it was more of a feature compilation of my works as a graduate film student at UCLA rather than a real feature film.

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Political Hot Cakes or Diversity Bake Sale

Berkeley campus Republicans are doing it right now… a diversity bake sale to satirize initiatives like Affirmative Action. Well, they’re certainly getting the attention they want today! NPR reports, “White students would be charged $2, Asians would pay $1.50, Latinos would pay $1, African-Americans would pay 75 cents, Native Americans would pay 25 cents and women would get 25-cent discounts.”

Go bears! Just another day of protests at Cal.

Part Time Drag Queen

by Quentin

The first time I wore women clothes was when I was six. I was hanging out with my mom on a lazy Sunday afternoon while my dad was out. She let me try on her evening gown and carry my favorite glittery purse of hers. As I pranced around on her bed, I playfully dubbed myself “the nightgown chicken.” In Cantonese, “chicken” is the slang for “prostitute.” My mom was cracking up. We both had so much fun. I remember I really enjoyed playing a character… being someone whom I wasn’t.

But she only let me do it that once… Continue reading