Tag Archives: Queer

The Ever Changing Anita Mui

by Tin

Leslie and Anita

As I have paid tribute to the founding father of cantopop Leslie Cheung (Gor Gor), it’s only fitting for me to do the same for the mother of cantopop Anita Mui Yim Fong (Mui Jie, literally Big Sister Mui. Yes we like to call our stars sisters and brothers. Deal with it.) When I was a little kid, I would dim the light, put on her song “將冰山劈開” (“Break open an iceberg“) and danced my socks off. The song is catchy, campy and lots of fun. Check it out!

To Call her a queer icon is a no-brainer. Touted as the Madonna a.k.a the Queen of Reinvention (or Lady Gaga for you young ones) of Asia, Mui Jie was also called a “ever changing” performer. She was a style icon in the 80s with her “bad girl” image. Continue reading

Why Am I Queerious?

by Quentin

I came of age intellectually at the explosion of multiculturalism and during the fading heights of Act Up and Queer Nation.

Yes, I’m old. It was Berkeley. 1990. What could have been a better time to be queer and a person of color? Continue reading