Category Archives: Out There

The Naked Killer

According to the New York Times, a naked man by the name of Christian Falero, 23, went berserk in his Upper Manhattan apartment building. Running around stark naked with a 10-inch knife in the hallway, he knocked on random doors of his neighbors and stabbed them as they answered the door. He stabbed four people including an old woman in the eye and an 81-year-old man whom he stabbed to death. Falero then ran out into the street and started slashing himself on the ground until the police arrested him.

Well, this is definitely a very queerious crime which made the 80s Hong Kong cult movie Naked Killer pale in comparison.

Mr. Falero hit the American jackpot with our obsession of nudity and violence that has previously elevated a trashy Hong Kong B-movie into an American cult classic.

Lady Gaga Day

Honestly I don’t even know what to say to this global obsession. Lady Gaga Day in Taiwan? Hm…

Proud to be Possessed

by Tin

Before I start this week’s post I would like to declare that I am indeed a queer identifying female writing this blog since lately there have been so much news about fake lesbian blog and lesbian news site that were actually authored by straight males. Yes, I am talking about you, Tom MacMaster, and you, Bill Graber. Tsk-tsk…

I am not saying that you have to be a lesbian to write about lesbian-related issues but I think you lose a lot of integrity if you start off by lying about who you are even if you have made valid arguments concerning LGBT issues.

And tsk-tsk at the Hong Kong government. That’s right. I am shamed by my home city as the Hong Kong government has recently recruited a famous local psychiatrist, Mr. Kwai-wah Hong, who claims he can “cure” homosexuals as a trainer for the staff of the social welfare department. According to  Agence France-Presse, “critics said the move could be the world’s first government-sponsored training session on gay conversion therapy, which includes prayer, cold showers and practising abstinence as a way to avoid same-sex relationships.”

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All About Durian

by Tin

Last weekend I was invited to a lesbian friendly poker party. Alternating between making bets and small talk, I commented to my Chinese friend on how envious I was every time I saw a Facebook post from her about discovering a new durian flavored treat. Upon hearing my comment our gracious host ran to fetch me a durian popsicle from the freezer. As I gently unwrapped the plastic cover, everyone fled from the poker table (alright two people remained but of course one was the now not-so-gracious host and the other one also eating a durian popsicle). Windows were immediately opened. People were fanning themselves.

I took a bite out of the popsicle. It was an orgy in my mouth.

I grew up gorging on the famously (infamously?) putrid yet succulent “king of fruits” every summer. But ever since I moved Stateside, I have always had roommates and never dared to bring a fresh durian home at the risk of being murdered in my sleep. Not only does it taste and SMELL delicious to me, as cliché as it may sound, durian has always reminded me of my childhood in Hong Kong. Due to its smell and sticky yellow texture, durian is nicknamed “cat poo” by Chinese.

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Ikea Assembly Instructions For A Lesbian Bar

by Tin

I love Ikea. There, I said it. But as much as I love their (relatively) cheap yet sleek furniture I loathe the assembly process because I suck at following instructions the instructions are unnecessarily convoluted. But after seeing how others have created Ikea instructions for EVERYTHING and even one for a lesbian relationship, I decided to have a little fun and make one of my own.

Behold the Ikea Assembly Instructions for a Lesbian Bar:

Some of you may not agree with my version of a lesbian bar.

Fine then, make your own!

[Disclaimer: This post is NOT endorsed by Pabst Brewing Company]

Northampton, MA: a parallel universe

by Alicia

A question for some of our female readers: let’s say that you meet the woman of your dreams, fall in love, and want to raise a family together.  Where is the best place to raise a lesbian family? Perhaps where you currently live is a queer family friendly place, but perhaps it is not.

I recently visited high school friends in New England. We took a day trip to Northampton, Massachusetts to see a famous comedian and also to visit a very charming family. Visiting Northampton felt like walking into a parallel universe, one where lesbian parents are the norm.  This town of about 30,000 apparently has over 5 times more LGBT residents than a typical American town. Though not very ethnically diverse, this was still quite refreshing to me as someone who grew up in the Bible Belt. I’ll admit, I was enchanted by all that I observed in Northampton.We spent much of the day at the lovely home of Kirsten and Elizabeth, parents of twin toddler boys. Continue reading

Sex and Education

by Tin

"Lost And Delirious"-the quintessential LUG movie

Listen up ladies! Here is another reason your parents would probably tell you why you should go to college: you are less likely to be sleeping with another woman. As The New York Times reported in the article “Study Undercuts View of College as a Place of Same-Sex Experimentation“, a new study by the Centers for Disease Control, based on 13,500 responses, reveals that “almost 10 percent of women ages 22 to 44 with a bachelor’s degree said they had had a same-sex experience, compared with 15 percent of those with no high school diploma. Women with a high school diploma or some college, but no degree, fell in between.”

Say what?! Whatever happened to the absolute truth wide belief that women generally tend to have their first same-sex experience (and more afterwards if they like it of course!) in upstanding educational establishments? They don’t call it LUG (Lesbian Until Graduation) for no reasons. Continue reading

The Milk-Eww Way

by Tin

If you have paid any attention to the news in the past couple of weeks, I am sure you have heard of the breast milk ice cream introduced by an ice cream parlor in London called The Icecreamists. That’s right. The milk pumped from a woman’s breasts is processed and flavored with vanilla and lemon zest. The end product is an ice cream aptly named Baby Gaga (which Lady Gaga is not exactly gaga about but more about that later).

First I’d like to talk about breast milk aka mother milk. Continue reading

Why Liberals Should BAN Abortion

by Philip

Why Liberals Should BAN Abortion:

Philip’s Second Date

by Philip

Philip’s Holocaust Past

by Philip

Rentboy: The Porn

by Philip

Philip Fights the Lunar Homosexual Agenda

by Philip