Tag Archives: Canadian

Gay Zombies

by Quentin

Gay zombie movies are a new genre pioneered by Canadian bad boy of queer cinema Bruce LaBruce. Currently, there are 2 movies I know of in this sub genre, started by Bruce LaBruce’s gay art-house hit Otto; or, Up with Dead People. Otto is less of a horror flick and more of a quirky teenage coming-of-age movie about a gay teen zombie named Otto. For whatever it is, it’s more of an experimental art film than the traditional zombie movie that you’d be expecting.

If you’re in the mood for something artsy and unique, definitely check out Otto. But be forewarned that it is not what you’d expect from a zombie movie or a horror film. Continue reading

New Year’s Day Switch

by Jason

Have you noticed all the weight loss advertisements lately? It’s almost as if a switch had been turned on New Year’s Day and we are being whipped into a guilt trip over the indulgences of the last two month.  I know that this is not a new thing, but whatever happened to easing into it. We are riled up to eat and be merry over the holidays and then knocked down equally as fast if not faster. It’s no wonder we have eating disorders.

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